Angel Investing with Rohit Malhotra

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Once or twice a month, we feature angel investor interviews that offer unique perspectives, tips, and strategies on early stage angel investing. Feel free to share with a friend who may want to subscribe.

To kick-start this new series, we have Rohit Malhotra - an angel investor for almost 10 years who does an average of 3-4 deals per year. Rohit invests in B2B SaaS, fintech, and marketplace startups at pre-seed and seed within the UK, US, and India.

How did you become an angel investor?

I began my journey with startups with a rewards and recognition startup called Vantage Circle, where the founders invited me to invest. I was part of the founding team and helped the brand sales team grow to 10 FTEs with a turnover of 30 million ARR.

What is your favorite thing about being an angel investor?

My opportunity to help and a willingness to be a thought partner for the founder. It is also my way to contribute back to the ecosystem and build relationships.

What is one lesson you've learned as an angel?

Most of the deal flows comes from other investors. So, build relationships with other investors and share great deals with them.


Any advice you would give to a new angel investor?

Get started - invest into your friends and former colleagues, or join Angellist syndicates, which is my favorite way of investing into startups.

What is the most important part of your diligence process and why?

I spend time making sure that the market is big enough and that this could be a $1B/year revenue business someday.

Any adjustments you've made after angel investing for awhile that made a difference?

I have tried to get into deals led by top investors for the majority of my bets, as validation from amazing investors is a signal that helps me identify the startup is about to break out.

What do you think the future of angel investing will look like?

More tax relief and capital gains exemption for investments in startups which will lead to inclusive spread of wealth.

If you’re an angel investor and would like to be highlighted through this newsletter series, please fill out this form.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ve been inspired today! 🙂

Peace, love, and angel checks,